Understanding SOPs: The Key to Operational Success

Understanding SOPs: The Key to Operational Success

What is SOP? SOP stands for Standard Operating Procedure. It is a document that outlines the standardized processes or procedures that must be followed to perform a certain activity or process within an organization. SOPs ensure uniformity, efficiency, and quality in...
Say No to Assumptions for Employees and Customers!

Say No to Assumptions for Employees and Customers!

Tips for Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): Begin by identifying the ideal customer target for the company, and then deploy the “right employees” to cater to the needs of the “right customers”. Clearly outline responsibilities and obligations to ensure...


标准作业程序(SOP)小贴士: 先想好企业的理想顾客目标,再用“对的员工”来服务,以满足“对的顾客”的需求。 通过明确列明责任和义务,员工能清楚明白自己的执行方向,顾客也能明确知道自己该尽的责任。 打破“我以为”的思维,不要让员工和顾客自行凭想象定义服务的水平,而是列明方向和效果,让双方在同一个水平上达成共识。 前几年,中国有一个综艺节目出现了一句掀起网友争相模仿的名言:“我不要你觉得,我要我觉得!” 很多时候我们发现,许多人会有这种情况——“我以为”、“我觉得你应该”、“我认为是这样”等等。...